City of Fort Wayne
- Government
Whom to Contact
- Mrs. Rohli BookerFort Wayne City Council
- Chief Scott CaudillPolice ChiefPhone: (260) 427-1230
- Jonathan FlickingerInspector - FWFDPhone: (260) 427-1111
- Alec JohnsonRedevelopment DirectorPhone: (260) 427-1111Fax: (260) 427-1115
- Lana KeeslingCity ClerkPhone: (260) 427-1214
- Kristy LindemanDirector of Victim Assistance, FWPDPhone: (260) 427-2256
- Cinthia LoeraSEEDPhone: (260) 427-1111Fax: (260) 427-1115
- Emily RoachPhone: (260) 427-1111
- Emmanuel RodriguezFirefighter / ParamedicPhone: (260) 427-1111
- Chad ShawSuperintendent, Parks & RecreationPhone: (260) 427-1111Fax: (260) 427-1115
- Mayor Sharon TuckerMayor of Fort WaynePhone: (260) 427-1111
- Amanda WeimerFort Wayne Fire Department
- Danielle WetzelCD Manager - RedevelopmentPhone: (260) 427-5954