Fort Wayne Zoo
ZoosNon Profit Organizations
Rep/Contact Info
Kami Fox
Director of Animal Health & Conservation
- Phone: (260) 427-6800
- Fax: (260) 427-6820
AJ Harper
VP of Operations
- Phone: (260) 427-6800
- Fax: (260) 427-6820
Bonnie Kemp
Director of Communications
- Phone: (260) 427-6800
- Fax: (260) 427-6820
Sara Morales
VP of Finance & Business Development
- Phone: (260) 427-6800
- Fax: (260) 427-6820
Michelle Smurl
VP of Animal Care & Conservation Education
- Phone: (260) 427-6800
- Fax: (260) 427-6820