GFW Inc. Women's Network Application

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Name: GFW Inc. Women's Network Application
Date: December 31, 2024
Event Description:


NOTICE: Women's Network applications are currently paused for the year and will reopen on January 2nd.

Thank you for your interest in the Greater Fort Wayne Inc. Women’s Network! As a new member of this program, you'll gain access to exclusive events, networking opportunities, and resources designed to foster personal and professional growth. Join us in creating a supportive network where women and our allies stay connected, inspired, and empowered.
Membership Application Instructions:​

  • Step 1: Confirm you are eligible to join the Women's Network by verifying your organization is an active member of GFW Inc.
  • Step 2: Have your GFW Inc. member portal username and password available. 
    • ​Forgot it? Click here to reset it.
    • Don't have one? Email with your name, email, organization, and title to register.
  • Step 3: Click the "join now" button above to fill out the 5-question application*.
    • Annual program fees are payable by credit/debit card upon checkout (valid now through 12/31/24).
    • *If you would like to request financial assistance to participate, please fill out a separate application here
  • ​Step 4: You're in! Watch your email for information about who we are, your new benefits, and how to get involved.  

Pay Your Experience Forward:
Consider contributing an additional $50.00 toward our Membership Assistance & Diversity Inclusion Fund! Your support can help break down financial barriers that limit membership to the network and encourage inclusion for all. This fund will also be used to gift event tickets to local university students, fostering early career relationships and creating sustainability of the network. If you would like to personally support an individual or know someone who would like to get involved, please email Meghan Short at

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Date/Time Information:
This program membership is valid for the 2024 calendar year until 12/31/24.
Contact Information:
Meghan Short, Director of Investor Programs | O: 260-203-5766
$25.00/person, Pro-Rated Membership Fee from 5/13-12/31/24